Breville Juice Fountain Plus JE98XL, Silver

(10 customer reviews)


    SKU: B003R28HWQ Category:

    Breville Juice Fountain Plus JE98XL, Silver




    14.09"D x 12.6"W x 16.42"H


    10.1 pounds


    Breville USA

    10 reviews for Breville Juice Fountain Plus JE98XL, Silver

    1. Kathy

      I love making my own juices and this juicer works great. It doesn’t leave any pulp in my juices so I don’t have to strain them before drinking. The pulp is collected in a separate section and I can then use it in baking and cooking.
      Very versatile device and I use mine almost daily.
      The juicer is also easy to clean which I appreciate.

    2. WoodenYouKnowIt

      My family has owned an ACME juicer for some 40 years that we have used a LOT. After literally decades of hard use, this very solid machine has showed no signs of even slowing down and to this day, does a very good job producing excellent juices. In fact, it is such a good machine that the juicer market still offers this exact model, albeit under a different name, and parts are easily available as well. But when I watched the “Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead” movie, I knew exactly what I was going to do to get my weight problem under control. Following the guidelines in the movie, I quickly found myself outstripping the capabilities of my old trusty ACME simply because “rebooting” involves a heck of a lot of juice every day! The ACME does not separate the pulp. Rather, the basket gets filled pretty quickly and this requires taking the machine apart to clean if/when I want to keep on juicing. Anytime I have pushed my luck on the cleaning, pulp would pile up on one side of the basket. The ACME would spin off balance and start doing a dance across the counter tops. WOW, what an adventure that was the first couple of times! LOL. But there are many offerings in the juicer market and, beyond my old ACME, I didn’t know one juicer from another. So I went back and watched the documentary again to see what Joe Cook was using and then, of course, I found that very juicer here on Amazon. I have now used this new juicer several times every day since it arrived and I love it! I have learned a lot about juicers and had my old ACME as a benchmark with which to make comparisons.
      The first thing that I learned is that there is no such thing as the perfect juicing machine and just the nature of juicing places high demands on any juicer, regardless of design. This machine claims to separate the pulp from the juice – put the juice in one container and the pulp in another. If you really think about how a machine is supposed to handle this task, you’ll realize that this is really asking a lot. Thus, there was a learning curve and I found that to be rather frustrating at first. I had to learn to assemble and disassemble the machine correctly. If I got it wrong, either pulp or juice or BOTH, would get flung all over the kitchen, all over the front of my shirt and who knows where else. This at first made me really angry at the machine but then I slowed down and decided I should learn just how it’s supposed to go together. I figured it out and had no more problems.
      Unlike my dancing ACME, this unit’s basket doesn’t get thrown out of balance because the pulp gets expelled as the machine works… up to a point. Any machine is going to have a limit on how much it can digest before cleaning is required. With this machine, the top is clear plastic and I can see the pulp building up. But there is also a warning light that turns on when the machine needs to tell me that it’s had enough. That is a very cool feature. The Breville holds a lot more pulp and will go a lot longer before it needs to be cleaned. Then, when it is time to clean, it cleans up far faster and easier than my old ACME.
      The pitcher has a slot on the side that is designed to dovetail into the discharge spout on the side of the juicer. While it holds far more juice than my ACME, it is still rather easy to overfill the pitcher and have juice spill all over the cabinet. Ok, so this simply meant that I needed to practice and get to know the machine. I would suggest that, until any operator of any juicer gets to know his/her machine, a supply of towels and cleaning supplies should be kept close at hand.
      The intake chute is much wider than my ACME’s and this really cuts down on the amount of chopping and cutting I have to do to prepare fruits and veggies for juicing. But, like other aspects of juicing, there is still a limit. I often find that I have to still cut up large apples, for example. On one occasion, I dropped a piece of an apple only to have it bounce back up and out of the machine and fly across the kitchen. LOL, once again this is a great adventure!
      Ok, having said all of this, it’s still just an absolutely superb machine and really offers a lot for the money. And BTW, I have lost 60 pounds and am showing no signs of slowing down. Only a 125 pounds to go.

    3. Reviewer Pro

      I do really enjoy how easy this is to clean. I went into juicing not fully grasping the difference between a cold press and a centrifugal juicer, and in retrospect, I might have held out for the cold press version. Centrifugal is fast, but leaves a lot more waste than a cold pressed juicer does. Advantages? It is extremely powerful, and has juiced everything I’ve thrown at it. That includes carrots, beets, apple, lemon, orange, zucchini, kale, ginger, cucumber, celery, peppers, etc. The juice is delicious, albeit a little foamy. I have noticed that letting the juice settle for a few minutes before pouring takes care of this issue, but it’s not a one-to-one substitute for filtering your juice again after you have juiced it.

      For $150 you really can’t go wrong.

    4. Paul S. Remington

      EDIT 11/13/2013: I just wanted to note that we’ve been using this juicer literally every day for the last eight months and it has worked flawlessly! We still love it… We’ve had a great experience with it and use it on a daily basis. If you have a baby or toddler, this is a fabulous way to introduce a unique fruit and vegetable flavor base to your child’s tongue. If they learn this flavor early in life, it’ll become part of their flavor palette for life. Many babies learn only different sweet flavors from processed food. Fresh fruit juice is very sweet, but vegetables are not typically sweet and have a particular flavor not all like. Our toddler LOVES the juices we make. We found combining apples, oranges, pears, celery, carrots, with half a lemon makes a frothy, milkshake-like juice that’s both delicious and nutritious. Give it a try and experiment. Best of all, have fun with it!

      The following is my original review from last March 2013. I have nothing to correct or add to it, other than the above. Read on…


      I had the most amazing juice I’ve ever tasted in my life the other day. I love pineapple and have always enjoyed pineapple juice. It’s my favorite of all fruit juices. After buying the Breville Juice Fountain Plus juicer, I picked up a whole pineapple and my wife juiced it up. WOW… I couldn’t believe what I tasted. I’ve never tasted anything like it and it’s very different than store-bought pineapple juice. It’s so milky and creamy and rich and perfectly balanced. We’ve been making juice with the Breville for a few weeks now, but this absolutely knocked me out and made me a huge fan of the Breville juicer.

      I’ve read just about every review on Amazon about this product and our experience with this juicer is close to what others have said. I’ve found what we differ on is our experience with cleaning, leaking issues, and motor malfunctions.

      We found cleaning to be very simple. There are only six or eight parts that need cleaning, and if you clean them immediately after juicing, cleanup takes about three to five minutes. It’s important not to let the material dry on any component, especially the filter assembly. After juicing, the material on the filter washes off easily with the aid of the supplied brush. Use warm water and soap to scrub the material out of the fine filter mesh. If you let the material dry on the mesh filter, it will be much more difficult to clean. The order of operations should be 1) juice, 2) clean, and 3) enjoy!

      The filter assembly is part of the blade assembly as one entire unit. This is different than some other juicers that have these parts separate. This makes juicing and cleaning easier. The other parts are simply plastic and wash off quickly and easily with warm water and soap.

      We find the process of juicing to be fun! Our toddler loves to run in the room and watch the juicer consume material and regurgitate fresh, delicious juice into the serving carafe. The Breville Juice Fountain Plus has two speeds: low and high. Low is used for softer material, like oranges and kiwi. High is used for harder material, like apples, carrots, and pears. Not all fruits and vegetables need to be cut into smaller pieces in order to be properly juiced. Many items can be tossed in whole, as long as they fit into the 3″ diameter hopper throat. Oranges, carrots, celery, cucumbers, and many other fruits and vegetables work great with little or no preparation. Just drop them in, push them down, and watch the juice begin to flow.

      We’ve noticed, on occasion, material gets stuck in the hopper and does not juice. During those times, we stop the unit, take the top off, and reinsert the material in a different position. We’ve found most of the time this happens when the skin becomes an obstacle to the blades or we try to juice by inserting the material before starting the juicer. Always start the juicer first and then insert the material. This is where using the juicer takes a little getting used to. We’ve learned how to insert each type of fruit and vegetable. For instance, kale is best juiced between other items. We may put some apples in and then add a wadded-up amount of kale in, followed by a number of carrots inserted lengthwise to push the kale down. You’ll learn how to juice each item in the Breville and the instances where material gets stuck will happen less often.

      Most juice is dispensed into the carafe with some amount of foam. The Breville carafe comes with a foam skimmer built into the top of the carafe assembly that helps stop foam from being poured into glasses. This is a very nice feature. If you like the foam, you can take the top off the carafe and pour the juice directly into a glass, foam and all.

      Unlike some other reviewers, we haven’t noticed any problems with leaking, overflowing, clogging, or motor malfunction. It has worked flawlessly and extracts a nice quantity of juice. Material dispenses into the waste dispenser consistently dry with only a small amount of moisture.

      One tip regarding the waste: if you’re into gardening, save all the waste material for the compost. Just be careful of the seeds. Make sure it’s fully composted, otherwise you might end up with surprise fruits and vegetables growing in your garden. 🙂

      The Breville Juice Fountain Plus is an excellent juicer with a powerful enough motor to negotiate a large variety of fruits and vegetables. Whether you’re juicing soft fruits, hard vegetables, or leafy greens, this juicer will perform well and produce numerous gallons of fresh, nutritious juice for your entire family.

    5. Janice Ebeling

      5/30/14 I’m still a newbie at this but I love this juicer.

      I just finished a 3-day juice fast, and am now on the transition back into food. I’m in my early 50’s and have had trouble loosing weight for a decade. Every diet I’ve tried (including ones that worked great when I was in my 30’s) no longer work. I would drop 5 pounds, then gain 5 pounds, up and down in a continuous yo-yo, losing 10 pounds in 3 months. The term was “weight loss resistant.”

      So I am very happy to say that I have dropped 10 pounds. I plan on continuing a partial fast, that is, vegan food plus juicing, for the next week. I had a smoothie (via Vita-Mix) for breakfast and will have a salad for lunch, juice for dinner and some fresh fruit from my garden for desert.

      Books used:
      “Reboot with Joe” by Joe Cross, maker of the documentary “Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead.” Besides being very informative concerning juice fasting (including recipes), it contains helpful information such as what to do when you are very tired or your skin is very dry (and more).

      Breville Juicer:
      It’s fast and clean up is fast. I stretch commute so I don’t have the time for something slower. The pulp goes into my mulch pit which will be tilled into my garden at the end of the season. I have been able to juice vegetables that I would not normally eat, and some that my husband doesn’t like – he enjoys all my juices.

      There is some leakage where the top joins the pulp basket. This is possibly due to the fact that I stuff the chute with kale and slowly push it down – it may simply be too full. I didn’t want to put too little kale so it chewed through too quickly. This could be just a matter of technique. At the corners there was some “spitting.” I reduced this by placing a wet washcloth over the top of the pulp basket.


      Wet Pulp:
      I read a recommendation to rejuice the pulp if it is too wet. I squeezed the pulp into a tight ball then juiced it on low speed. The result was very little additional juice and the pulp was only slightly drier. Again, all if this may be the result of technique.

      Loose Leaves:
      Loose leaves such as spinach, arugula, tend to be whipped up and out if I juiced them by themselves. Since I tend to use kale frequently, I place the loose leaves into the kale and wrap the kale around it – that works much better.

      Tiny items such as Blueberries:
      I place enough kale into the juicer so it doesn’t immediately fall down the chute. I press it down slightly and put the blueberries on top then juice at low speed. This seems to work pretty well. Ginger – I wrapped that in the kale leaves.

      Slow is better:
      The slower I pushed the plunger, the more juice it produced, especially low juice items like kale.

      There was some but not too much.

      Items kicking back up:
      I reduced this by shortening the items, such as cutting celery sticks in half. Yes, round items tend to bounce around at high speed but that’s only until I set the plunger on top of them and slowly push them down.

      I set my filter/blade basket into a metal bowl of hot soapy water as soon as possible while the remaining items I rinse off the excess material and place into a filled sink. I let the filter sit until I have finished cleaning everything. This separates it from the rest of the items in the sink – I have never cut myself this way. I scrub the blades and on both sides of the mesh with the included brush, rinse, dry carefully and hold it up to the light. I rarely have to clean it again.

      I have been able to get very creative with juicing, following these two rules (found in books and on YouTube):
      Have a ratio of 80% vegetables and 20% fruit.
      The vegetables should contain no more than 25% dark green leafy vegetables, to avoid bitterness.
      Note: Watch the ginger! The first time I added it I gagged because it was too strong.

      Favorite Juice Recipe:
      3 leaves Kale
      1 Slice of watermelon (rind removed and cut into 8ths)
      4 stalks Celery
      3-4 Carrots
      1 Beet (peeled)
      1 Sweet Potato (medium sized, not peeled, cut in half to fit the chute)
      1 Orange (peeled with a potato peeler, cut in half to remove seeds)

      Juice the Kale and watermelon at low speed and everything else on high. Makes 2 16-ounce glasses.

    6. Nanvan

      First, let me say that I am brand new to juicing. I have terrible IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) that has kept me from eating most vegetables for almost 2 years. I’ve been very very sick with IBS for the last 6 weeks and unable to work. (I’ve had the condition most of my life but never this bad. The last two years have been the worst.) Anyway, My daughter recommended the documentary Fat, Sick and Almost Dead and this was the juicer that Joe Cross used on his 60 day juice fast. He had an autoimmune disease just like I do. He had this exact juicer in the back of his car, attached to a battery, and he went all over the US offering juice to people in many different states while he, himself, lost something like 75lbs and felt like a new man. He got off all his medications he got so healthy. I figured I would see if I could tolerate vegetables this way with the pulp and fiber removed so they would be easier for my beleaguered digestive system to absorb. I didn’t know if I’d be able to deal with all the work involved with juicing since a side effect of IBS is also chronic fatigue. This juicer looked super easy to use on the documentary so I figured I would give it a shot. I studied before purchasing and knew that masticating juicers were more efficient at extracting juice. However, knowing myself and my fatigue issues, this juicer appealed to me because of the minimal prep work such as chopping and dicing of the vegetables that you need to do before juicing. I decided to try this first since the price was $139.00 compared to close to $500.00 for a masticating juicer. I’m thrilled I made this choice. Here’s what I’ve found:
      1. Very little prep work needed for the veggies. Peel the citrus fruits but leave them whole. The chute is large and can accommodate an average size orange or medium apple.
      2. Takes a little experience before getting the best results. The first time I tried it, I, too, had stuff fly out of the chute and onto the wall. I also had the whole assembly leak at the base. It took a couple of tries to make sure I had the whole assembly properly seated due to my own user error. It was actually a very simple assembly but I just needed a couple of tries. Now, I have juiced my brains out and had no splatter or leakage.
      3. Yes, the pulp is a little soggy. I put the pulp back through to get the additional juice out of it and it was still soggy so I gave up that effort. It didn’t really matter all that much to me. I have not seen any large chunks of veggies in the pulp basket.
      4. I took the advice of other reviewers and put a hard fruit or veggie in first, then packed in my kale and spinach then put another hard fruit on top. My best results were when I put the hard fruit on the bottom, packed the greens in mixed with a juicy fruit like a little pineapple, orange, tomato or lemon, then put a hard carrot or celery on top. I got the most juice with the least pulp using that technique. I started on a high speed and then lowered the speed when it came time for the greens and soft fruit, then back to high for the carrot, apple or celery. Excellent results that way and drier pulp but still not super dry like some people report.
      5. I added avocado and spices and my juices are very delicious and creamy.
      6. Clean up was a breeze. I did not bother to wash in the dishwasher as there are only 7 pieces to wash off. There’s the pulp container, the beaker and top, the basket and metal grinder, the top and the pusher. If you put a bag in the pulp container it stays clean and no need to wash it off. It takes less than 3 minutes to wash the whole thing.
      7. If you are wondering about time commitment which was a big issue for me, I purchased all my veggies and fruits on Friday night. The cost for the week was $120.00. (2 people juicing) Fruit & veggie prep took about 1/2 hour. Peeled oranges and lemons and washed greens. Chopped long celery, carrots & cucumbers in half but did not peel them. I put each veggie or fruit in it’s own Tupperware or Ziplock bag so that I would have an assembly line set up the following morning for juicing. Original machine prep took 5 minutes to wash the 7 removable items and reassemble. Very simple assembly. (thought I didn’t have it exactly lined up right the very first time..LOL) Now it takes less than a minute to reassemble since I know what I am doing. So, once you have the fruit and veggies ready, you can prepare enough juice for 2 people for 3 days in about 1/2 to 45 minutes. I find that to be pretty efficient from a time standpoint. Certainly a lot less time than fixing dinner every night.
      8. I also did not find this unit to be loud at all. It’s darned quiet compared to my Vitamix blender!!!
      9. Oh!! And I also mix wheat grass in with my greens when I juice. I don’t know how much of the wheat grass just gets tossed in with the pulp but I’m putting it in the mix and hoping for the best!!!

      Physically, I am so excited!!! I felt better 2 days after beginning my juice fast. Now I have more energy than I have had in years and have not had one bit of trouble with my IBS. I hope to entirely heal my digestive tract in the next 60 days through juicing and giving my intestines a rest from having to digest solid foods. I don’t know if down the road I will want to get a more expensive masticating juicer just to get a little bit of extra juice from my fruits and veggies. This unit seems to get plenty of juice out of $120.00 worth of veggies. It’s enough for 2 people for an entire week. I can’t compare it to a masticating juicer because I haven’t tried one but I can say I love this one. The only reason I gave it the 4 stars is because of the pulp not being as dry as some people said it would be. This is really more of a 5 star product for a person like me who doesn’t care about stuff like that but I figured to give a realistic review, this was the only drawback that I could tell for other more serious juicers.

    7. Anna V. Carroll

      NOTE: 03/09/2022

      I have learned some things since getting this wonderful juicer I would like to pass on to you, if you are considering getting one for yourself. In order to preserve the motor, DO NOT PUT WHOLE FRUITS IN MACHINE. I am now chopping fruits and vegetables up into smaller pieces which is making my machine purr instead of growl. Be careful with Beets, especially. Chop them into small chunks. Too fibrous. I find it relaxing chopping everything up. I was skeptical in the first place about putting whole apples, oranges, etc into the hopper. It is just too much for the motor to absorb day after day. Just wanted you to know about MY personal experience.

      I am giving this juicer 5 Stars even though the cleaning brush was not included in the box. Amazon cannot send you one. I asked. I had a Breville juicer years ago but this one is far and away more powerful. Just be prepared to cover the slot with the stamper immediately after dropping in the fruits and veggies because it will fling the items into the air if the stamper isn’t in place. After I got the hang of it everything was great.

      Yes, it’s easy to clean, but you have to disassemble the entire juicer and clean all the parts.

      I made my first Breville Beverage as I call it, today. Clementines, carrots, green apples, ginger and one stalk of celery. What joy! I savored every drop and can’t wait to do it again tomorrow for lunch. Today it is 3 below zero in NYC and my apartment is freezing even though the heat is on full tilt. A week ago it was 60 degrees in December! So I took my time making my drink in the warm kitchen and if there is one thing my body can’t get enough of with the killer viruses it’s fresh juice! My body is probably applauding me right now but I can’t hear it because my teeth are chattering too loudly due to the freezing cold.

      Aside from not getting the cleaning brush (I am using a tooth brush) everything was in the box ready to go. I was worried the voltage hookup in my apt. might not be able to handle the power but it held out. You worry about this in old apartments in NYC. Blown fuses are not fun. So far so good.

      Fresh fruit is not cheap these days so I will keep the varieties of fruit at a minimum for the time being. Some neighborhood stores are cheaper than others so I do take that into consideration. what is more important in the time of Covid? Spending a few dollars for fruit and juicing them or getting Covid again. I have had it twice in two years. Not fun. And, at pushing 80, I have to be super careful.

      The perfect product at the perfect time. I love what it did for me today and look forward to many more glasses of health in months to come. A wonderful purchase. Breville is a very reliable company. All my Breville products work like a charm. So glad I bought it.

      UPDATE: 01-27-2022 The addition of this juicer to my every day life has been a life saver on many levels. I am saving a lot of money I would normally spend at the grocery store buying fruits and vegetables instead of chicken breasts and pork chops. There was a wonderful juice shop in Greenwich Village in the early 2000s that charged $10 for a small bottle of fresh juice. I made a special subway trip to the store twice a month. Due to rent increases the store closed. I kept one of the bottles in my freezer for some reason and so thankful I did. The Sweet & Dandy bottle contained: Beets, Oranges, Ginger, Apple, Pineapple, Celery, I now replicate that very same flavor every morning with my Breville juicer. Fabulous taste and incredibly good for me as well. I wish I had bought this juicer before the pandemic. It might have made me stronger and able to fight off colds, flues and Covid. Buy one today!

    8. NWNV

      Just received this yesterday. I had ordered a couple books for recipes and and read some blogs and found some recipes online before it arrived. It’s hard to be credible when I say that I love this machine, having had it less than 24 hours. But it’s just so easy to use! I feel like it’s a gift to myself and my husband. (Just for info sake, we’re 60ish, fat and very out of shape. This is a huge departure for both of us.)

      Here is my note to self. Don’t buy the big bag of carrots from Costco. Absolutely nothing wrong with them, but that is a LOT of carrots to clean and store, along with the humongous bag of baby kale, the box of spinach, the bag of lemons, the 4 heads of celery. My fridge is full! At least it’s full of good, healthy stuff for a change! I spent so much time at the sink cleaning produce I needed a nap!! 😉 So cleaning the produce is time consuming. But it’s only time consuming when you first buy it. Once washed, it’s quick and easy.

      My first drink was celery, carrots, kale and an apple. I can do this! It’s fresh and different from anything I’ve ever tasted. Second blend was spinach, celery, apple and 1/2 peel removed lemon. That was really good! (The second was adapted from […] I didn’t have cucumbers, broccoli or ginger.) We both really liked the second one. Must be the lemon… William Sonoma has 30 Days of Juicing online. That’s another one to check out.

      The machine — it fits together so well. I hate to keep using the word easy, but it is. Easy to assemble, easy to wash, easy to make juice. Other reviewers have complained about the foam. The pitcher that comes with the juicer has a foam catcher. A little can sneak through as you get to the bottom of the pour, but if you set the pitcher down and let it settle for a few seconds, that takes care of it. Oh, there is a little spray from the pulp container when using the high speed. I just tossed a kitchen towel over it and problem solved. Haven’t seen any drips.

      One thing that’s noted in the manual is to make sure to get the metal filter basket gets into some hot water when you’re finished. It has itty bitty teeth and a very fine mesh and I can see how it could clog if the veg dried. So I’ve made sure I did that and it all cleaned up really well.

      This is not the highest or lowest price of the Brevilles. Not knowing if we’d actually like it I stayed towards the lower end pricewise. I think we can do this. I see no issues with the machine.



      Update: It’s a little less than a week. Here are some updates — So, ok, go ahead buy the big bag of carrots. They go fast and taste good! We’ve been through 3 boxes of baby spinach, 2 big bags of celery, just finishing up the carrots, second bag of apples and lemons. (The lemons are a necessity to us. We love the tang that it adds.) We like spinach, don’t like kale (yet.)

      I’m a little concerned about the spitting that comes from the cover where it meets the pulp jug. I’ve put a towel over it, but if I forget, I do get a green spray. Not sure how I’m going to feel about that a month from now.

      Fresh juiced OJ is amazing, but wait till you try a pineapple! Just by itself. Peel it and cut it into long chunks. Wow.

    9. Amazon Customer

      Does anyone have a problem with your juicer? After I get ready to start first then add my celery to make my juice . The top plastic doesn’t click properly & it’s spills out of the machine . I tried a few times open & close method & still it spills . Any advise or should I return ? Not sure I love this Brielle brand

    10. susan garcia

      It’s a very beautiful machine. I love the color. Easy to clean. Easy to assemble. The power is great on carrots,apple and ginger. I would love to get a second one for my RV.

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